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"He who never gives up always finds a path“

About us

Luca loves what is unique and extraordinary, he loves anything that mankind creates and achieves with what nature offers. Luca studies gemmology and the exceptional mechanisms of watches and in 1988 opens his first shop.

Silvana loves what is unique and extraordinary, she loves people with their emotions, their feelings, their needs and for years she takes care of them through her job as a nurse.

Silvana and Luca meet, and their very different yet similar souls, give life to a new concept of jewellery shop both in terms of its contents as well as its shell. Research, attention to detail, passion and attention lead them to choose exclusive watch and jewellery brands, as well as artistic and exclusive objects that embrace and satisfy the soul and make every moment extraordinary.

The family and the new team bring new strength and energy to the business and together they open a new store in the sunny and wonderful city of Trieste.
To be continued…

ritratto famiglia villini gioielleria luca silvana


Via Ciotti, 9 – GRADISCA D’ISONZO (GO)
ph. 0481 960200
e-mail [email protected]


Via Santa Caterina da Siena, 7 – TRIESTE
ph. 040 9893600
e-mail [email protected]


From Tuesday to Saturday
9.30 – 13.00 / 15.30 – 19.30


From Tuesday to Saturday
9.30 – 13.00 / 15.30 – 19.30

Via Ciotti, 9 – GRADISCA D’ISONZO (GO)
ph. 0481 960200

e-mail [email protected]

From Tuesday to Saturday

9.30 – 13.00 / 15.30 – 19.30


Via Santa Caterina da Siena, 7 – TRIESTE

ph. 040 9893600

e-mail [email protected]


From Tuesday to Saturday

9.30 – 13.00 / 15.30 – 19.30


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©2024 La Gioielleria s.r.l. – P.I. 01106940313 – Equity € 10,000 i.v. – cod. REA GO72284 – Privacy policyCookie policyCredits

©2024 La Gioielleria s.r.l. – P.I. 01106940313 – Equity € 10,000 i.v. – cod. REA GO72284 – Privacy policyCookie policyCredits